
关于性别歧视的报道, 包括性骚扰, 可以直接联系第九条协调员吗.  The College District designates the following person to coordinate its efforts to comply with 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972, 修改:

名称: 肯Zartner

位置: 行政和人力资源执行主任

地址: 201 W. 德州欧亚体育,79764

电话: (432) 335-6421


欧亚体育 is opposed to any and all forms of sexual discrimination or harassment within the College community and will take the steps necessary to stop such conduct. Determining what constitutes sexual harassment can vary according to individual circumstances, 但是它可以 be described in general terms as unwanted or unwelcome sexually-oriented behavior, 比如肢体动作或言语评论, 哪些因素会对个人的工作或学习环境产生负面影响.

This statement of zero tolerance for sexual harassment applies to students and College personnel alike. 欧亚体育’s sexual harassment policy and procedures are designed to deal with complaints of sexual harassment in a reasonable and orderly fashion. 

联邦法律要求学院任命一名第九条协调员, who is responsible for serving as a resource person on sexual harassment issues and all other forms of discrimination. The 行政和人力资源执行主任 is the designated harassment prevention/第九条 coordinator. The Director of 学生生活 will serve as an advocate for students in distress or a person of contact to initiate campus investigations.


欧亚体育致力于提供安全, 为学生提供安全的环境, 游客, 和员工. The College provides educational materials to staff and students promoting safety awareness and crime prevention. 学院的教育项目:

• promote and support institutional activity programming that encourages safety awareness as it relates to sexual 攻击s and non-sexual offenses;

•扩大社区团体之间的合作关系, 机构, 以及教育机构, 治疗, 以及那些经历过性侵犯或非性侵犯的人的转诊;

•为学生提供培训, 教师, and staff to enable them to detect specific problems as a result of sexual 攻击s and to refer persons with such problems to appropriate referral sources;


• include printed materials and guest lecturers promoting safety and crime awareness during 教师/staff in-service meetings;


• continue to strengthen relationships with law enforcement officials to insure quick response to calls involving sexual 攻击 or other campus crimes.



同意是一种理性和深思熟虑的行为. A person who possesses and exercises sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent decision demonstrates consent by performing an act recommended by another. 同意假定有行动和反思的物理力量, 确定, 以及不受阻碍地行使这些权力.



•以任何方式引起他人肛门或性器官的插入, 未经该人同意的;

•导致演员的性器官插入另一个人的嘴, 未经本人同意的;

•引起另一个人的性器官, 未经当事人同意, 接触或穿透口腔, 肛门, 另一个人的性器官, 包括演员.


• The actor compels the other person to submit or participate by the use of/or threatening the use of physical force or violence against the other person, 或者当事人认为行为人目前有能力实施威胁;

• The person has not consented and the actor knows the person is unconscious or physically unable to resist;

• The actor knows that as a result of mental disease or defect the other person is at the time of the sexual 攻击 incapable either of appraising the nature of the act or of resisting;

• The other person has not consented and the actor knows the other person I unaware that the sexual 攻击 is occurring; or

• The actor has intentionally impaired the other person’s power to appraise or control the other person’s conduct by administering any substance without the other person’s knowledge.


1. An act by a member or a family or household against another member of the family or household that is intended to result in physical harm, 身体伤害, 攻击, 或者性侵犯, 或者这是一种合理的威胁,使会员担心即将受到身体伤害, 身体伤害, 攻击, 或者性侵犯, 但不包括保护自己的防御措施.

2. 虐待:家庭或家庭成员对家庭或家庭中的孩子的虐待.


如果一个人, on more than one occasion and pursuant to the same scheme or course of conduct that is directed specifically at another person, 故意从事行为, 包括跟踪别人. 行为人知道或有理由相信他人会将行为视为威胁:



• That an offense will be committed against the other persons property Would cause a reasonable person to fear:




防止性侵犯 & 报告事件

性侵犯是一种暴力行为. 性侵犯不应该发生在学习环境中, 但是它可以, 即使是你认识和信任的人. 大多数性侵犯都是熟人所为. 这有时被称为熟人强奸. For this reason, it is important for you to be assertive, direct, and clear in your communications. 注意你的非语言和语言交流. Always be on alert when you get in a car with someone you have just met (perhaps at a party or from online), 不管这个人看起来有多好. Also, it is a good practice to never leave your drink unattended if at a party or social gathering. The use of alcohol and drugs at social gatherings dramatically increases the risk of sexual 攻击 for college students. 

如果你在校园里被性侵犯, 向校园警察或学生生活主任报告犯罪行为. Students living on-campus should contact the Housing Coordinator if the 攻击 occurs in the residence halls. 举报并不意味着你必须采取法律行动. 这是你以后可以做的选择. 然而,通过举报犯罪,你可能有助于阻止强奸犯. 很有可能这个人以前强奸过,并且会再次强奸,直到被逮捕. 如果你被强奸了,保存好物证,以后可能会有用. 不换衣服,不洗澡,不上厕所. 无论是否报案,都要立即就医. 除了照顾明显的伤害, 你需要医疗护理,以保护你免受不必要的性传播疾病/感染.

法律警告说,了解一个人——即使是亲密的——绝不是强迫性行为的借口. 清晰的沟通应该用于与朋友或约会对象达成谅解. Do not assume an earlier understanding still holds; do not ever assume communication can be clear if either party is abusing alcohol or other drugs.

In social situations, both women and men must use good judgment because the stakes are high for both. The best precaution is to stay in control and remember that a wrong decision in the area of sexual activity may remain with you for a lifetime.


在性侵犯调查方面,原告和被告都有权利. The accused students will have the same rights as any student involved in the disciplinary process. 必要时, victims of sexual 攻击 may take advantage of any and all rights that the College has established for such victims. 性侵受害者将享有以下权利:

1. 对学习和/或生活环境的合理改变;

2. 转介咨询,协助通知执法部门; 

3. 被告人有同样的机会让其他人出席纪律聆讯/会议;

4. Unconditional notification of outcomes of disciplinary hearing sanctions and terms of sanction in place; 

5. Opportunities and assistance to speak (or choose not to speak) to anyone regarding the outcome; and 

6. 姓名和身份信息保密(FERPA权利).